
::Mr. W.::

He's been drivin' me crazy lately too, but seriously... it's time we recognize how important he is.




::MOLOKAI 2009::

8 Canadian FLATwater paddlers, 1 Hawaiian UNIT of a steersman, 1 fannypacked team manager, a little fishing boat piloted by 65lbs of wiry rad waterman, and 70kms of open ocean between the islands of Molokai and Oahu all came together to experience a new paddling event, race in a new kind of boat, test our ocean legs and go for a couple unexpected dips.
Pretty cool leaving one island in the morning, and paddling out until you can't see any land at all, and then showing up at another island a little after lunch.
Thanks a heaping pile of Mahalos to Kai, Lauren, Mike, Aaron, Riggs, Kate, Sam and Derek for making our crossing possible this year. We'll be back next year, we're gonna work on our start and get a less-leaky ama, to try and improve on our pretty respectable 24th place (outta round 100).
Now back to the skinny boat...





We're here on Molokai! Surprise surprise... it's not the 3rd world, you can buy toilet paper and a hamburger here, and the roads are paved and your cell phone works too! The ruggedness of this corner of the great state of Hawaii may have been exaggerated a tad... Hawaii has been wicked, so much fun. Check back for some Molokai Outrigger Pics soon! This pic is of us hiking the Haleakala (home of the sun) Crater on Maui... thanks Princess Lauren for taking us out! It looks like Mars, it's 10 000ft of elevation, and it's a volcano. So yeah, pretty rad. Check ya soon!



Aloha from Maui!! Team Red Snapper is gearin' up for Molokai crossing 2009 this weekend! Our team consists of Ian "purple passion" Mortimer, Mark "carry-on only" Oldershaw, Kyle "2 chicken fingers" Jeffery, Jamie "49cc's is enough for me" Andison, Gabriel "backflip trampoline" Beauchesne-Sevigny, Andrew "stopover in San Diego" Russell, and Tom "the maratimer" Hall. The Princess of Maui, Lauren is taking great care of us up in Kula, and Kai "the snorkel king" Bartlett is the man as always, hookin' us up with some Outrigger knowledge.

That picture is awesome, thanks to Captain Mike for the boatride!!

Check in soon for some Hawaiian updates!