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I'm hooked on Maui. Totally sold, it didn't even take a week. This place is awesome. On day 3, my buddies Lauren and Kai took me out on a messy downwinder in the surfski; Lauren and I saw a bunch of humpbacks, they were splashing around seemingly enjoying themselves quite a bit. I wondered for a moment what they think of us, or if they even notice us at all (and I hope they do) as they crash their thousands of pounds of whale-body onto the water surface in a magnificent breach. They are remarkable creatures, and I hope they don't mind us sharing their playground. Since Friday I've been out on the water a few times, once in a Surfski race on Saturday, where I placed something like 3rd, but maybe 5th or maybe not at all, depending on where you look... either way, I had an awesome time, (we saw an orca, or something like an orca cause I don't think Hawaii has a lot of orcas) and was stoked to catch a few decent runners, cause usually I just splash around wasting energy like the flat water meat-head that I am. There are a couple other fun races to do while I'm here... sweet! Today Kai and his boys from the Hawaii Canoe Club brought me out on the north shore in the two-man outrigger, thanks to Phillipe for a wicked session. We paddled a great pace for 2 hours, and saw (read: scared the crap out of...) some huge sea turtles and an enormous manta ray. Phil and I went through one wave in the OC-2 at a pretty steep angle, ended up totally airborne on the other side and came crashing down in the boat pretty quick. I was feeling a little warm and wanted a dip in the ocean anyway ;) ...

Besides paddling in the Pacific Zoo slash Ocean Playground, I've been getting a lot of running and biking in with L'Equipe de Trois Sport as well. Kyle "flex-down" Jones up there (photo credit: Coach "Ruthless Slave-Driver" Joel) is pretty sure he can do more chin-ups than me, but he's been a little quiet since our uphill-sprints set yesterday... Simon "Big Daddy" Whitfield is back from his World Book Signing tour, (he didn't write a book yet, but he'll sign any book you bring him), we had a nice chatting-pace ride to past Kahalui Harbour and back this afternoon to round out a great weekend of Sports. I heart Sports.
Some great vankayak.com pictures coming soon... check back!

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