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Woah! November is here! To kick off the reversion to Standard Time (goodbye, my beloved DST, see you in 6months!), I thought an update was in order. Why do I love Daylight savings? I'm not a morning person, and now the sun comes up an hour earlier, which means in order to maximize my day - I should too. I will do my best!

So what's new?

-My buddy Simon Whitfield wrote a book, it's a great read! I was thrilled that he asked me to contribute, so I gladly wrote the foreword. Simon has been an inspirational leader to athletes, tri and otherwise, kids and all Canadians since he taught us all what that sport is about from down under. He set out to write a book for kids that adults would also enjoy, mission accomplished. Click here and buy one for yourself or someone else, or both (they're only 14bucks)!

-Some other athletes and I climbed the CN tower in support of United Way on team AthletesCAN. Thanks to highjump Nicole for organizing it, and congrats to everyone who made it to the top! It's not that bad, anyone can do it... Go for it next year!

-I've been paddling once a day, and getting back into the swing of training has been awesome. Hittin' the gym hard and getting back into running - my ankle is strong again and feels great even on rocky trails. I put a weedless rudder on my kayak and it has changed my life significantly, bring it on, leaves! (thanks Nelo guys!)

-My Sunday sleep-in today was cut short by our friendly CCES drug testers who came by for 90ml of my pee, at 7:10am. I hope they're not testing for Hallowe'en candy!! I applaud the new recyclable cardboard boxes they've replaced the old styrofoam boxes with. Not just ethics in sport, environmental ethics too!

-I have basketball tickets for Raptors stick Pistons this week. Get ready for a beating, Detroit.

-The host city for the 2015 Pan Ams will be named this week... Go Toronto Go!

-Planning some camps for this winter... Florida in a couple weeks, Quebec City over NYE skicamp, Maui x-training in Jan...

-Renovating my bathroom. Exciting stuff...

-More news soon!!

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