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Kili Climb: Adventure 1/10

In less than 24hrs I'm embarking on a week long adventure to climb Africa's highest mountain, Kilimanjaro. I'm a proud member of a team that has raised over $120K in support of Right To Play, and we start our climb early tomorrow AM in Tanzania. I'm in Frankfurt right now.

(donate here: http://righttoplay.akaraisin.com/2012climbingforacause/AdamvanKoeverdenClimb)


I've never climbed a mountain before, and I'm unfamiliar with the effects of altitude. I love hiking and trail running, and I have a fabulous hunger for adventure. I love raising money and awareness for RTP, and I love being active in the out of doors. Needless to say, I am tremendously stoked.


In addition to everyone who donated on my pledge site, I want to send a massive thanks out to Mountain Equipment Co-Op for helping to oufit our team with sleeping bags, headlamps and various hiking essentials. In addition to that, the fine folks at MEC set me up with the finest hiking backpack, rain gear, travel snacks and accessories available. MEC supports healthy and active living, adventurous pursuits and charitable efforts of all kinds... Thanks for being such a wicked industry leader MEC! 


I'll do my very best to blog and tweet about our adventure, I want to share this experience with any and everyone who wants to be a part of it. It's the first time that I've come across the pond to do something athletic where my goal is to go as slow and leisurely as possible, but I'm certain that's the only way to conquer this goal.


Slow and Steady makes it to the top!


Check back soon!


Reader Comments (4)

Thanks for blogging and/or tweeting your climb, Adam! I was hoping you would, but wasn't sure if the technology (or time!) would allow you to. And you've done a great job on your fundraising efforts! Good luck and have fun! Remember to tell your team members if you are having a headache... could be the altitude!
November 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAndrea
This is so amazing! ...i can't wait to do it myself next year!!
Hope you tell us how it went.
November 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTab
I am so proud to be a sponsor for a super athlete and person climbing for a great cause. Looking forward to your daily reports.
November 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSharonM
Its a fabulous experience. I did this in Sep 2012. All the better when done for a charitable cause.
December 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDean

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