
::Cze Cze Czech it Out::

Here are some pics from today, thanks to Vekassy Balint, Magyarország. Köszönöm sepen. (Thank you in Hungarian)

I had a really good race, but I came in 4th place.  I wanted to practice something different, and it went really well, so I'm stoked and ready to race Duisburg next week!

I am pictured in the first photo paddling hard in the last 100m, and in the background is my friend Maximilian Benassi from Italy who I share a birthday with, and who also might have the best haircut in our sport.  Bap bap Italiano.

MARK OLDERSHAW!! A Burlington native and my Burloak homeboy since the mid nineteen-nineties won his C1 1000m race today beating World Champion Menkov from Uzbekistan.  Effing right bro.  That's me in the above picture trying not to fall in the water while giving him a congratulatory positive-touch.  Gold Medal What!?  Also in the news today is the C2 of Gabriel Beauchesne-Sevigny of Trois-Rivieres (Three-Rivers) and Andrew Russell of Dartmouth (the city of lakes, and a downtown core).  They won a Silver Medal in the kilometer, AND qualified for the C2 200m final.  Heck-ya Canoe Boys... throwin' down like a rodeo clown.  That makes no sense.  Anyways congrats to my friends who did awesome and SEE YOU IN DUISBURG!!!



::Racice, Czech Republic - World Cup::


One day to go before racing starts!  I'm feeling great on the water and off, looking forward to some hard races out here in sunny Czech Republic...

I'm racing K1 1000m and 5000m... the schedule made it a little difficult to race the 500m as well, so hopefully I can add that one in Duisburg. 

Hey if you're interested in Czeching results, click right HERE for the link. 

As of right now there are more than 70 boats starting the 5k***, so it'll be a derby-smash-up.  I heard the idea of 5000m heats being thrown around last summer, I think that's a little crazy, so I'll provide a couple alternative options just in case any decision makers read  Have a 2k prologue the day before racing starts, or on Friday or Saturday evening after the races are done.  Run 3 boats in each 'heat', spread them apart to avoid riding wash (lanes 1, 5 and 9), and race top to bottom.  Top 40 times get to start the 5k.  Or, just allow one entry per nation.  Or, only allow countries who have qualified an athlete for the 1000m semi-finals to enter a participant in the 5000m.

*** EDITORS NOTE, Adam was wrong - there are 37 entries, not so crazy.  His blogging rights have been taking away for not double Czeching his facts.  But... worthy conversation still?

Comment below if you've got an idea, or if you think 75 boats on the start line is fun and I should just harden up (you're probably right...).

See you on the water!


::czech your head::

I totally forgot that I have my own website!! Over breakfast one morning after training I was all like "hey guys, have you heard of these 'Blogs'? It's short for Web-log, people can have their own websites!".  Then my friends were all like, "Uh, Adam, you have a Blog, you just never update it"... Whoops.  So here goes.

What's new?  Well, Florida was good.  I drove home from there in April after a solid 2month training camp.  When I got home to Toronto the weather wasn't as nice, but it was great to be back home.  Canadian Team Trials were in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia... and an impressive band of volunteers pulled off a great event for us totally last minute, since it was supposed to be in Montreal!  I won my K1 1000m race, just ahead of Angus Mortimer and Phil Duchesneau, and then I came here!  To Racice, Czech Republic!  It's the first World Cup of a two-race trip.  Next week we're heading to good ol' Duisburg, Germany for some more Worldcupping. 

If you're wondering where that rad picture is from, it's re-used.  I'm part of the "Green Revolution".  Reusing paper and tin cans and old junk is great, but reused online content is like Green v2.0.  

Czech back soon, I'm going to start using again.  It's gonna be great.




::Team 990::

Hey Mitch, Rod and the gang at Montreal's team990 (AM radio station!!) were awesome... we talked sports and colon cancer...

Listen Here


::Colon Cancer Awareness Month::

Hey!  It's been over a decade since my Dad kicked Colon Cancer's Ass (forgive the buns-pun)... and it's Canadian Colon Cancer Awareness Month!

Click Here to Learn more about what YOU can do to ensure you and your behind are healthy and Cancer Free!