

Lenovo generously donated 8 new computers to the Rexdale YMCA's Protech Media Centre last week, and as a Lenovo Athlete, I got to be involved. A huge shout out to the Media Centre and all the kids who go there to hang out, learn about graphic design and computer-stuff I totally don't understand, work on their personal and school projects, and cultivate their creativity and imagination in such a supportive environment... I loved it, had a great time, was stoked to hang out with you guys and was REALLY impressed with your skills... you guys are awesome!! Enjoy the new computers!!


:: Dr. Jane Goodall ::

Roots put on an incredible night of recognition for Jane Goodall's recent honourary degree from the University of Haifa. It was held at the Royal York, and emceed by George Stromboulopoulos, speakers included David Suzuki and Dr. Goodall herself. I found the evening incredibly moving, and thanks to Voyce and his back up band, very entertaining as well. Dr. Goodall spoke to the tune of hope; her most recent book entitled "Reason For Hope" highlights 4 main reasons why we as humans, should be optimistic about our future on this planet. They are; the human brain, the determination of young people, the indomitable human spirit, and the resilience of nature. Dr. Goodall has the kind of unique perspective and wisdom with respect to our place in nature that virtually no one else can lay claim to, she is certainly one of the world's most intellectually elite scientists, which makes her words and opinions, to me at least, completely invaluable. Thank you to Dr. Goodall and Dr. Suzuki for their inspiring messages of hope and urgency, and thanks so much to Roots for putting an incredible event together, and for inviting me along!


::On the FAN 590::

I love the fall. I was asked to be on the radio today, to provide my perspective on the issue regarding the Hockey Canada Logo controversy, both as an Olympian and a member of the COC Executive. It's a complicated issue, if you're interested in having a listen click here. Basically, there is an IOC rule that states that a National Sport Federation's symbol can't be on Olympic competition uniforms, and the IOC has stated they're getting serious about the enforcement of this rule. The acted accordingly with the Brazilian Soccer Team in Beijing. The logo in question is a corporate logo, and it's my opinion that the Canadian Hockey Team, like all other teams and individuals at the Olympic Games, should abide by the rule and play with the Maple Leaf on their jersey.



I've had a little bit of time away from my boat, which has been fantastic... it's allowed to me to get out and enjoy some of the sports I love and miss out on while 100% focused on training.

I got out to Calgary with some friends for a Mountain bike ride from Canmore to Banff and back, and a hike up Mt. Yamnuska in Kananaskis. What an awesome part of the world!! Mike and I are standing right infront of a 200m drop down the front facing cliff, pretty rad stuff! Yamnuski means "wall of stone", and it's famous for it's detrious "scree" which is a huge steep pile of broken rock which forms at the base which is also really wicked for running down at top-speed. The chapter of the World Society for the Appreciation of Geology and Rocky Radness (WSAGRR) is now in full effect, please check back for our quarterly newsletter...



A huge thanks to everyone at Nelo for their years of commitment and service to our sport. You're the best, and the best boats are yours... Thank you!