

I'm hooked on Maui. Totally sold, it didn't even take a week. This place is awesome. On day 3, my buddies Lauren and Kai took me out on a messy downwinder in the surfski; Lauren and I saw a bunch of humpbacks, they were splashing around seemingly enjoying themselves quite a bit. I wondered for a moment what they think of us, or if they even notice us at all (and I hope they do) as they crash their thousands of pounds of whale-body onto the water surface in a magnificent breach. They are remarkable creatures, and I hope they don't mind us sharing their playground. Since Friday I've been out on the water a few times, once in a Surfski race on Saturday, where I placed something like 3rd, but maybe 5th or maybe not at all, depending on where you look... either way, I had an awesome time, (we saw an orca, or something like an orca cause I don't think Hawaii has a lot of orcas) and was stoked to catch a few decent runners, cause usually I just splash around wasting energy like the flat water meat-head that I am. There are a couple other fun races to do while I'm here... sweet! Today Kai and his boys from the Hawaii Canoe Club brought me out on the north shore in the two-man outrigger, thanks to Phillipe for a wicked session. We paddled a great pace for 2 hours, and saw (read: scared the crap out of...) some huge sea turtles and an enormous manta ray. Phil and I went through one wave in the OC-2 at a pretty steep angle, ended up totally airborne on the other side and came crashing down in the boat pretty quick. I was feeling a little warm and wanted a dip in the ocean anyway ;) ...

Besides paddling in the Pacific Zoo slash Ocean Playground, I've been getting a lot of running and biking in with L'Equipe de Trois Sport as well. Kyle "flex-down" Jones up there (photo credit: Coach "Ruthless Slave-Driver" Joel) is pretty sure he can do more chin-ups than me, but he's been a little quiet since our uphill-sprints set yesterday... Simon "Big Daddy" Whitfield is back from his World Book Signing tour, (he didn't write a book yet, but he'll sign any book you bring him), we had a nice chatting-pace ride to past Kahalui Harbour and back this afternoon to round out a great weekend of Sports. I heart Sports.
Some great pictures coming soon... check back!



I'm on the Hawaiian island of Maui training with some super-fit triathletes, really hoping it's contagious. Pictured above (L 2 R), pre-ride is Kyle "500 Watts" Jones, Jordan "salt 'n vinegah" Rapp, me: Adam "ass-over-teacup" van Koeverden, Andrew "the beastly barista" McCartney, Jeff "big in Penticton" Symonds, Lauren "the climber" Groves, and Sarah "star-spangled" Groff. Not pictured above is Simon "I heart Edmonton" Whitfield, who will be back tomorrow, Joel "the coach, don't piss him off with any stupid nicknames" Filliol, and of course the "Diaper Duo" Jennie and PK. Today's training was a morning swim and a noon-time ride of about 3h20min, the last 40min of which was a 1500 ft ascent in 30min with a wicked 50kph+ descent in like 6minutes. Yesterday was an all-three sports day, with a great am swim, a quick 70min run in the cane fields with Lauren, and a quick but death-defying ride in the early afternoon. Thanks to Salt 'n Vinegah for my new turquoise tire, and thanks especially to the visually impaired green-bmw lady in Haiku for not making this a one day camp for a few of us, (but coming damn close). I'm really stoked about our three weeks here, excited to get out on the Surfski a bit while I'm here, and truly honoured and humbled by all the wicked tri-folks I have the pleasure of punishing myself with for the rest of the month. Check back for uncharacteristically regular updates and news, and hopefully some awesome photos...



To kick off 2009, something new. This is the first of hopefully many installments of a section I'm entitling... "RAD CANADIANS". As the name suggests, these regular posts will highlight the accomplishments, ideas, opinions, projects and awesome stuff that Canadians have going on. This is not to suggest that not all Canadians are Rad, for the most part, we all are... but there are a few unfortunate exceptions; Nickelback and Howie Mandel are decidedly UNrad, certainly among Canada's worst exports. Thankfully, the rad things that Canadians do (invention of insulin and basketball) most definitely supercedes the bad things that Canadians do (baby seal clubbing, allowing Ben Mulroney to be on television). And so, these posts are a testament to all of our homegrown awesomeness.

Rad Canadians [post 1.0]

Solar Car guy Marcelo da Luz

This Torontonian has the World Record for distance driven in a solar car, one which he built. 15,070km, all the way to the end of the Trans-Canada highway, through Alaska to Inuvik. Never heard of/been to Inuvik? That's cause it's like a 3000km drive Northwest of Yellowknife. Read about him in today's Toronto Star newspaper. Despite a terribly negative and pessimistic headline, the (too brief) article does go on to talk about Marcelo's remarkable and incredible drive (both intrinsic and on the tarmac), and his wicked cool car; it looks so much like a UFO, onlookers in Vernon B.C. freak out and almost run into traffic to avoid being abducted by little green men (extra credit given for using 2001:A Space Odessey muzak). I want to know more, this guy is way cooler and way more inspiring than whoever the crap is the next top model or so you think you can dance celeb-reject. Way to go Marcelo, I am a big fan.




Today I had the pleasure of being involved in Ron White's 13th Annual Shoe Drive for the Homeless. (Video, I have touque-hair, leave me alone...) Ron started his philanthropic initiative after seeing a homeless man in Toronto with his toes sticking out of his shoes in the winter, something we've all seen, way too often. He's asking people to simply go through their closets, collect up some old but lightly worn winter shoes and boots, and drop them off at any of his Store Locations. Who ever thought taking out your garbage could affect positive change? Ron's hoping to get 2500 pairs this year, more than ever, and a truly attainable goal if everyone takes a moment to clean out their closet!! If you don't live in Toronto, you can easily "follow in Ron's footsteps", and donate your old shoes, boots, coats and clothing to homeless shelters, Goodwill, the Salvation Army, and a variety of other places to ensure that our least fortunate people are warm this winter. This time of year shelters are low on warm winter items, and your old stuff can go a long way in keeping someone warm. Thanks to Ron White, and everyone involved for their conscientous efforts!



Sunday was Right to Play Day at the Raptors game here in Toronto. The raddest Toronto Raptor of all, Jose Calderon took a few minutes out of his Sunday Half-Time to present a basketball to Johann Olav Koss, who in turn presented the point guard with a red Right to Play soccer ball. The exchange was meant to highlight Jose's committment to Right to Play, which involves donations for every one of his (many) double-doubles. For the uninitiated, or basketball unsavvy, a double-double isn't Jose's coffee of choice, it's when he gets double digits points and assists, or points and rebounds in a single game. Thanks to the Raptors for the awesome seats, thanks to Johann for being an all round incredible mentor and leader for myself and athletes everywhere, and thanks especially to everyone at RTP for everything they continue to do all around the world ensuring that kids in less fortunate countries can take sport and play opportunities for granted, and learn valuable lessons at the same time.

"When Children Play, the World Wins!"

I'm so incredibly proud to be on the Right to Play Athlete Ambassador Team alongside our awesome point guard, and my fellow Beijing Olympic Silver Medallist... Good Luck Jose, and thanks for your pledge! Go Raps!!